French Listening Practice

French listening exercises by level

Practise your French listening comprehension with our ever-growing collection of interactive French audio articles and listening challenges for every CEFR level from A0 to C1! If you're unsure about your current proficiency, try our test to get your French level before diving into the exercises.

French listening exercise 2 types

All listening exercises are made by our qualified native French teachers to help you improve your listening comprehension and confidence.

We have 2 types of French listening exercises:

  • interactive readers with French audio and text, English translation and suggested French lessons
  • dictation challenges with audio and writing practice

Boost your French listening comprehension by adding the lessons you find most interesting to your Notebook and practising them later.

Click on any exercise to get started.


A1: Beginner French listening exercises

  • Un plat du Luxembourg
    Find out about one of the most traditional dishes in Luxembourg.
  • Une journée à Paris
    Sylvie spends the day in the French capital.
  • Une déclaration d'amour
    Alice declares her love to her wife Katie.
  • Une photo de famille
    Isabelle and her friend are looking at a family photo.
  • Une invitation amicale
    Isabelle and Noémie discuss their afternoon plans.
  • Une vie de fantôme
    The ghost of the Palace of Versailles tells us about its life.
  • Une petite sirène
    Lovely mermaid Lana tells us about her life!
  • Un nouveau colocataire
    Gabrielle welcomes her new roommate Simon.
  • Un jour de neige
    Suzanne has a cosy routine for snowy days.
  • Un billet pour Madrid !
    Justine is booking a return flight to Madrid.
  • Promenade dans Lille
    Benoît is having a nice walk around Lille's city centre.
  • Une semaine de solidarité
    Sophie does something nice for her elderly neighbour every day of the week.
  • Une après-midi au parc
    Nothing nicer than a sunny afternoon at the park!
  • Les loisirs créatifs avec mon fils
    Isabelle loves doing arts and crafts with her little boy!
  • À la boulangerie
    Mrs Poiret goes to Mr Dulac's bakery this morning.
  • À l'hôtel
    Peter and his girlfriend check in a French hotel.
  • Au marché
    Mrs Lepic goes to the market to buy some fresh produce.
  • Au supermarché
    Lola and Paul are doing their grocery shopping at the supermarket.
  • À la gare
    Henri needs to buy some train tickets.
  • La rentrée de Bastien
    Bastien starts primary school today.
  • Les vies noires comptent
    Loana explains why she supports the French Black Lives Matter movement.
  • Réserver un hôtel
    Adrien is booking a hotel room.
  • Le festival de Cannes
    Fabien talks about the famous French film festival.
  • En voiture
    Laurent tells Julie that he's stuck in traffic.
  • Le jour de Noël
    Simon has his own Christmas routine.
  • Noël approche !
    Christmas is coming closer and Marina has a lot to do!
  • Ville ou campagne ?
    Stéphane and Amélie discuss their preferences between living in a city or in the countryside.
  • Passion dinosaures !
    Bruno and Flora's boys are all about dinosaurs at the moment.
  • Cunégonde la sorcière
    Meet the meanest witch in town!
  • Décorer le sapin de Noël
    Annabelle and her roommate Martin are putting up their Christmas decorations.
  • Ma description
    Sophie describes herself to us.
  • Desserts
    Paul tells us about his most and least favourite desserts.
  • Tu connais La Réunion ?
    Learn a few facts about this French Overseas Territory.
  • Tu aimes le Nouvel An ?
    Marie and Laura discuss their plans to celebrate New Year's Eve.
  • Tu aimes ça, le chocolat ?
    Eloise and Amélie talks about chocolate.
  • Tu fais du sport ?
    Thierry and Maya talk about the sports they practise.
  • Les décorations de Pâques
    Muriel and her daughter Lila are making Easter decorations.
  • Les matins d'examen
    Marina has her exam morning routine sorted.
  • Réparer le toit
    Magalie has decided to fix her roof herself.
  • Florence Foresti
    Élodie tells us about Lyon-born, famous stand-up Florence Foresti.
  • L'omelette de Mamie
    Find out how Eloise's Gran makes her omelette.
  • La maison de Gérard
    Lucie interviews Gérard about his house.
  • Bonne fête des mères
    Caroline enjoys her first Mother's Day!
  • Cache-cache avec Lucas
    Lucie plays hide-and-seek with her toddler Lucas.
  • Quel âge as-tu ?
    Henri tells us how old he and his family are.
  • Vive l'argent !
    Lydia loves spending money!
  • Ça ne va pas !
    Pascal meets with Lucie who doesn't feel well at all.
  • J'adore Superbus !
    Sonia tells us about her favourite French band Superbus.
  • Dans une boutique de bord de mer
    Simon and Belinda are picking seaside souvenirs for their family.
  • Dans mon jardin
    Clara describes her garden.

A2: Lower Intermediate French listening exercises

  • Une journée chargée - 1ere partie
    Marc tells us about the busy day he has ahead of him!
  • Une journée chargée - 2e partie
    Marc tells us about the busy day he has ahead of him!
  • Un retour difficile
    Elizabeth isn't looking forward to going back to work.
  • Une superbe agence de ménage
    Esther talks to Amélie about a great cleaning agency.
  • Un dîner agité !
    Caroline tells us about last night's hectic dinner!
  • Un matin paresseux
    Gabrielle and her boyfriend Cyril had a lazy morning.
  • Une chambre de petite fille
    Louise has just redecorated her daughter's room.
  • Une invitation manquée
    Romain tells Sophie why he can't go to Lisa's birthday party.
  • Un anniversaire parfait
    Marielle had the most perfect anniversary.
  • Un cadeau pour tout le monde !
    Henriette tells us what Christmas presents she got for her relatives.
  • Un vol en montgolfière
    Learn more about the origin of hot air balloons and join us for a ride!
  • Une maman stressée !
    Camille is stressing out her mother who has a lot to do today.
  • Une fête d'anniversaire réussie !
    Florence's son had a space-themed party for his birthday!
  • Un Thanksgiving tout simple
    Christina's Thanksgiving has to be simpler this year, but everyone is helping!
  • Une promenade en ville
    Marie took her English cousin Peter on a walk around the village.
  • Balade en forêt
    Sabrina went for a long walk in the snowy woods.
  • Une semaine de tâches ménagères
    Laurent had a busy week taking care of the household chores.
  • Un mauvais numéro
    Lucas called the wrong number!
  • Un jeune sauveteur
    Benjamin was 13 when he saved his brothers' lives.
  • La Toussaint en France
    Learn how French people celebrate All Saints' Day.
  • Un hotel incroyable!
    Margaux is delighted with the hotel she spent the weekend at.
  • Arnaud le voyageur
    Charlotte tells us about her friend Arnaud who loves traveling.
  • Au barbecue
    Stéphane and Aline have a chat around the barbecue.
  • À l'office de tourisme de Sarlat
    Éric is asking for info to visit Perigord's famous medieval city.
  • Au mariage d'un cousin
    Last weekend, Tatiana was at her cousin Hugo's wedding.
  • Au petit-déjeuner
    Lucie is grumpy this morning at the breakfast table.
  • Au marché de Noël
    Stéphane goes to the Christmas market every December.
  • Au château de Cheverny
    Laurence visited one of the most famous Loire Valley Castles.
  • Au Parc de la Tête d'Or à Lyon
    Sabrina took her nephew to Lyon's favourite park.
  • Au cirque
    Adeline went to the circus yesterday and tells us all about it!
  • Chez le dentiste
    Liliane is at the dentist's for a toothache.
  • Chez le docteur
    Mrs Potin goes to see the doctor for a cold.
  • Chez la fleuriste
    Greg wants to buy some flowers for his Valentine.
  • Chez le garagiste
    Laura brings her car to the garage.
  • Dans la boutique de souvenirs
    Lydia is looking for a souvenir for her niece Hayley in Paris.
  • Au restaurant
    Ophélie is ordering food at the restaurant.
  • À la piscine
    Muriel went to the swimming pool yesterday.
  • Malchance au casino
    Yvan is not very happy with his first time in a casino.
  • Devenir ballerine
    Gaëlle always knew she'd become a ballerina.
  • Devenir tata !
    Aurélie has become an aunt for the first time!
  • Dispute entre sœurs
    Anna and Fifi are having a heated argument.
  • Problème d'addition
    There's been a mistake on Julie and Olivier's restaurant bill.
  • Célébrer Hanoucca
    Rachelle celebrated the first day of Hanukkah with her son Sam.
  • Les châtaigniers
    In the fall, Christine loves going to the woods to pick up chestnuts.
  • Choisir ses études
    Lisa and Marc discuss what they've chosen to study at uni.
  • La veille de Noël
    Here's what Yann, 8, did on Christmas Eve.
  • Didier Drogba, mon footballeur préféré
    A father discusses his football [US:soccer] idol Didier Drogba with his daughter.
  • A siblings quarrel
    Mum [US: Mom] has to get involved in an argument between Bruno and his sister Julie.
  • La Dune du Pilat
    Sabrina saw this famous sand dune for the first time this summer.
  • Pâques en France
    Learn about some of France's Easter traditions.

B1: Intermediate French listening exercises

  • L'auberge espagnole (2002)
    Discover the plot of the French film "Pot Luck" [US: The Spanish Apartment].
  • Une tradition de décembre
    Solène remembers what she and her mother used to do every December.
  • Un appel à la banque
    Philippe is calling his bank about a letter he received recently.
  • Un projet coûteux
    Martine wants to reduce her spending to buy a new car.
  • Journée chez Astérix
    Patricia hopes to be able to take her kids to the Parc Astérix tomorrow.
  • Délicieuse rédaction !
    Isabelle has the perfect excuse for not handing her homework in...
  • Un Nouvel An différent
    Stéphane has planned quite different New Year celebrations for this year.
  • Un mystère de patte de chien
    Lucie's little puppy Rouky seems to have hurt his paw...
  • Une Saint Valentin entre copines
    Charlotte is spending this year's Valentine's Day with her best friends!
  • Une visite au musée mouvementée
    Sisters Manon and Émilie are bickering during a visit to the museum!
  • Un petit visiteur
    A little hedgehog started visiting Inès and her family.
  • Un long trajet en transports
    Hugo tells us about his 8-hour trip to France.
  • Le secret des mamans
    Magalie wonders how her mother is so good at embarrassing her.
  • Un poème pour ma mère
    Here's a lovely poem by our own Aurélie to celebrate Mother's Day in flowers.
  • Un cadeau peut en cacher un autre
    Cathy has a nice surprise in stock for her mother on Mother's Day.
  • Les astuces nettoyage d'un professionnel
    Listen to Paul, a cleaning expert, giving tips to help you in your everyday chores.
  • Un papa fier
    Geoffrey tells us about his three beloved children.
  • Un weekend gâché
    Marie's romantic weekend away gets spoiled by unforeseen bad weather.
  • Une chambre d'ado
    Florence is giving her son chores to tidy up his messy room.
  • Une commande spécifique
    Sally wants her dessert served in a very specific way.
  • Un magasin bien fourni
    Nathalie's shop is full of Valentine's Day goodies!
  • Canicule : conseils de prévention
    Gabriel gives us advice to deal with the heatwave.
  • Apéro en terrasse
    Julien enjoys aperitifs with friends on long summer evenings.
  • Au McDo
    Magalie and Marc order at a French McDonald's.
  • Au Festival de Cannes
    Damien will enjoy the Cannes Festival in person this year.
  • Au magasin de bricolage
    Paul asks the DIY shop assistant for some advice.
  • Au Carnaval de Nice
    Florence is excited to go to the Nice Carnival next winter!
  • À la mercerie
    Sophie goes to the haberdashery [US: sewing store] to get some advice.
  • Chez le mécanicien
    Sylvie went to pick up her car from the garage.
  • Au mini golf
    Alicia and Thomas enjoy an afternoon of mini golf.
  • Chez l'ophtalmologue
    Élodie goes to the ophthalmologist for a routine eye check.
  • À la pharmacie
    Victor goes to the pharmacy.
  • À l'agence de voyage
    Margot is asking her travel agent about visiting French-speaking countries in Africa.
  • En gardant mes neveux
    Anissa babysat her niece and nephew this weekend.
  • Réservation de taxi dans un hôtel
    Pierre is booking a taxi from his hotel reception for an early start.
  • Au revoir la plage
    Say farewell to summer with this text inspired by Brigitte Bardot's famous song "La Madrague".
  • Camping à la montagne
    Solène went camping in the French Alps with her friend Tina.
  • Au départ de l'hôtel
    Laëtitia is leaving her hotel.
  • Shopping de Noël
    Valérie left her Christmas shopping to the last minute again!
  • Claude François, un chanteur incontournable
    Véronique and Marilyne talk about French singer Claude François.
  • Clovis, roi des Francs
    Learn about the first king of the Franks.
  • La maison de Colette
    Laurence enjoyed visiting the famous French writer's childhood house.
  • Les plages du Débarquement
    Geoffrey is planning a historical trip to Normandy's D-Day beaches.
  • Daisy chez le vétérinaire
    Madame Lambert takes her dog, Daisy, to the vet.
  • Gérer la reprise du travail après les vacances
    Jean-François gives us some tips to ease going back to work.
  • Scène de ménage
    Lola and Paul are arguing over Paul's messiness.
  • Donjons et Dragons
    Sylvain is a big fan of Dungeons and Dragons.
  • La chasse aux œufs de Pâques
    Jonathan is in charge of the family's Easter egg hunt this year.
  • Tutrice de FLE
    Thérèse teaches French as a Foreign Language to immigrants.
  • Trouver un logement à Orléans
    Stéphanie is looking for an apartment in Orléans.

B2: Upper Intermediate French listening exercises

  • Un divan à Tunis
    Discover this French-speaking comedy and its French-Tunisian director Manele Labidi.
  • Journal de 13h à la radio
    Headlines of the 1 PM news - based on France Inter's 13h of the 24/08/21.
  • Un 25 décembre en famille
    In Elsa's family, December 25 is a lazy post-Christmas day.
  • Une invitation de "bridezilla"
    Enjoy this entitled Bridezilla's wedding requirements!
  • Une sortie pour Halloween
    Listen to this ad for a great Halloween outing.
  • Un repas savoyard
    What Hélène likes the most on a ski holiday is the mountain restaurant!
  • Un passionné de lecture
    My nephew Damien has always been a real bookworm!
  • Un garçon plein d'énergie !
    Catherine explains how her lovely boy is also exhausting!
  • Une soirée folle !
    Sophie had a crazy night out.
  • Une chatte de ferme
    Lola is looking for her female cat Cannelle who's hiding on the family farm.
  • Une bonne explication
    Florence knows that there must be an explanation as to why she hasn't heard from her date again yet.
  • Un régime sain
    Élodie decided to change her diet to feel better.
  • Une promotion tant attendue
    Céline finally got promoted!
  • Une histoire d'amour
    Practise French expressions about love with this sweet love story.
  • Un frère malicieux
    Arthur loves scaring his big sister on Hallowe'en.
  • Un message de Maman
    Jonathan's mother left him a voice mail.
  • Un nouveau passeport
    Grégory needs to renew his passport to go on holiday [US: vacation].
  • Une soirée aux urgences
    Isabelle had to visit the A&E [US: ER] for a medical emergency.
  • Un séjour relaxant en amoureux
    Romain and his partner Sophie took a short break away from the kids.
  • Un menu de saison
    Daniella and her sous-chef Paul are tweaking their restaurant menu.
  • Une différence flagrante
    Paula talks about the changes in Catherine's personality after her career change.
  • Rentrée de professeur
    Teacher Alicia tells us how she prepares for going back to school.
  • Un voyage en Corse
    Emmanuelle needs ideas for her upcoming visit to Corsica with her family.
  • Une maman très fière
    Viviane loves her son's hand-made presents!
  • Soirée d'hiver entre amis
    Jean-François and Sophie are getting ready for a fondue night.
  • Une recette de sorcière
    Enjoy this deliciously disgusting Hallowe'en recipe!
  • Le Paris d'Amélie Poulain
    Léa went for a walk through the key spots made iconic by the cult movie "Amelie" (Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain).
  • Une après-midi de réunions
    Amandine announces the schedule for this afternoon's meetings.
  • Une Saint-Valentin exceptionnelle
    A few years back, Baptiste organised an incredible outing for his Valentine Mathilde.
  • Une belle-mère envahissante
    Find out why Gilles is not happy with his mother-in-law.
  • Le premier avril en France
    Charlène explains how we celebrate April Fool's Day in France.
  • Autour de la Galette des Rois
    Geoffrey and Laura enjoy the French Epiphany tradition.
  • Au Salon des Loisirs Créatifs
    Olivia and Laure enjoy a visit to the arts and crafts fair.
  • Au Restaurant de la Plage
    Cyril and Eve try the restaurant near the hotel by the beach and decide what to eat from the menu.
  • Chez le Boucher
    Mrs Pervenche needs a nice joint of beef for her guests.
  • Chez le fleuriste
    Madame Vidal is visiting her florist to order a very special gift.
  • À la boutique de poterie artisanale
    Pamela chats with the manager of a lovely local pottery shop.
  • Chez l'agent immobilier
    Adrien is looking to rent an apartment in Angers.
  • Aïssa Maïga
    Miriam tells us why she loves French actress and director Aïssa Maïga.
  • Idées de cadeaux pour bébés
    Daniel asks Aïssa for advice to find a baby gift.
  • Devenir papas
    George talks about his and his partner's experience when they became dads.
  • L'omelette géante de Bessières
    Learn about the French town of Bessières's unique Easter tradition.
  • Acheter mon premier appartement
    Fabienne is thinking about getting her first mortgage.
  • Contacter un prof particulier
    Joséphine is calling her private tutor to resume their English lessons.
  • Problèmes de voiture
    David had a horrible time with his car yesterday!
  • Recette des accras de morue antillais
    Enjoy this delicious recipe for Caribbean cod fish cakes!
  • Carpe Diem
    Julien is making the biggest leap of his life by moving to his dream country!
  • Le défilé de mode Chanel
    Enjoy this retrospective of Chanel's 2024 spring-summer fashion show.
  • Choisir une banque différente
    More "responsible" banking options for a different future.
  • Noël en Australie
    Thibault will spend Christmas in Australia for the first time next year.

C1: Advanced French listening exercises

  • Les Fleurs du Mal
    Learn about French poet Baudelaire's conception of beauty and poetry.
  • Une Saint-Sylvestre sous la neige
    Sylvie is remembering the New Year's Eve celebrations she spent with her kids in the Alps.
  • Un mauvais séjour en camping
    Mathilde recalls the worst family camping trip she ever went on.
  • Un coup de fil de la maison
    Student Benoît's mother calls him to catch up.
  • Un accrochage en voiture !
    Learn a selection of flowery French language as two drivers end up in a collision!
  • Une coopérative d'artisans
    Béatrice shares how her discovery of a hidden cooperative of artisans inspired her.
  • Une maman épanouie
    Amélie would have never thought she'd love being a mother so much!
  • Un souvenir de couturière
    Christine recalls visiting the haberdashery [US: fabric store] for the first time.
  • Un mariage sous la neige
    Carole and Fernand remember a wedding where snow was an unwelcome guest!
  • Une rencontre au sommet
    Find out how Mireille and Josiane became besties.
  • Un discours de remerciements
    Sylvie thanks professional partners at the end of a successful project.
  • Un voyage en Normandie
    Valérie remembers fondly her trip to Normandy.
  • Une routine très précise
    Julie has a very precise daily the minute !
  • L'acteur Omar Sy
    Mathilde and her friend Fleur talk about French actor Omar Sy and his series "Lupin".
  • Cours d'aérobic
    Burn the fat with aerobics coach Daniella!
  • Amel Bent et Camélia Jordana
    Aurélie tells us about these amazing French singers of Algerian descent.
  • Un restaurant (presque) parfait
    Flora and her husband had an (almost) perfect experience at the town's new restaurant.
  • Pâques-atastrophe !
    Despite her best efforts to make Easter perfect, Madeleine ended up with egg on her face!
  • Un hiver particulièrement rigoureux
    Practise your French expressions about the cold with Marianne's memories of a harsh winter.
  • Un pique-nique mouvementé
    This long-awaited picnic really turned on a dime!
  • Un hôtel hors du commun
    Looking for an amazing hotel? Hotel Charmant is the one for you!
  • Une victoire inattendue
    Julia thought she was winning at Scrabble against her grandma...
  • Les Arènes d'Arles
    Learn about this fascinating ruin of the Roman era.
  • Aux Galeries Lafayette à Paris
    Sabine and Hélène talk about their shopping experience in Paris's famous Galeries Lafayette.
  • À l’aéroport
    Sophie and Anne discuss what to do before getting on the plane.
  • Le marché aux poissons
    Louise remembers discovering a fish market on a sunny holiday in Brittany.
  • À la laverie
    Laëtitia and Yvan complain about having to go to the laundrette.
  • À la station de sports d'hiver
    Jérome and his girlfriend have just arrived at the ski resort and they need some equipment.
  • Tata Suzette, la reine du ménage
    Benjamin recalls how obsessive his aunty was about cleanliness.
  • Balzac ou Zola ?
    Guillaume and Clara are discussing which, of Balzac and Zola, is their favourite French author.
  • Chasseurs de fripes
    Paul tells Mathilde about awesome bargains at the second-hand store.
  • La Basilique Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix de Yamoussoukro
    Discover the largest church in the world, located in the administrative capital of Ivory Coast.
  • Tournoi de pétanque
    Léon explains to Marius why he won't make the boules tournament.
  • Flash Info !
    Follow a last-minute news report on live TV.
  • Croisière au Canada
    Listen to this enticing ad for a Canadian cruise.
  • Claude Nougaro et Toulouse
    Learn about the Toulouse-born singer and his deep connection to the Pink City.
  • Emploi de ménage
    Monsieur Jacquard explains today's cleaning job to the cleaning team.
  • Coluche, chouchou des Français
    The French comedian is still much loved in France, 30 years after his death.
  • Festival culturel pour les réfugiés
    Anne-Claire explains the benefits of their cultural refugee festival.
  • Découverte d'Entraygues-sur-Truyère
    Gisèle introduces her beloved Aveyron village and its many charms.
  • Janvier Sobre
    After the holidays' excesses, why not try the "Dry January" challenge?
  • Repas Pascal
    Marina really enjoyed spending Easter Sunday with her family.
  • Les voitures électriques en France
    Learn about the evolution of the French market for electric cars between 2009 and 2020.
  • La Ferme Auberge A Pignata en Corse
    Discover this charming location for an authentic Corsican experience.
  • Combattre l'hypocondrie
    Nathalie talks about her struggle with hypochondria.
  • Première rentrée en France
    Newcomer Adam and his family experience the French "rentrée des classes" for the first time.
  • Critique gastronomique
    Sabrina and her husband were delighted by their dinner experience at Lou Pignatoun restaurant.
  • Téléphone
    Hugo talks about his passion for the French rock band Téléphone.
  • Le réalisateur Ladj Ly et "Les Misérables"
    French director Ladj Ly on his film "Les Misérables".
  • Viennoiseries françaises
    Mélanie talks about her guilty pleasure: French "viennoiserie" pastries.
