French Reading Practice

Reading exercises by level

Boost your French comprehension with our collection of interactive reading exercises. You'll find content tailored to every level from beginner (A0) to advanced (C1).

French Reading Exercise from Kwiziq

All of our texts are carefully crafted by native French teachers, so you know you're practising real French. Most come paired with audio, offering you a powerful blend of reading and listening practice.

Choose one of the texts from the list below. As you read, click on any tricky phrases to reveal their English translation and delve into insightful grammar lessons. You can save any lesson that captures your interest in your Notebook.

Test your French level with our FREE level test to choose the correct exercises according to your current level. Dive in now and find out how our interactive readers will help you find your fluent!


A1: Beginner French reading exercises

  • Cher journal
    Discover Lisa's daily routine while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Entretien avec un vampire
    Check out this interview inspired by Anne Rice's novel to practise your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • James se présente
    Listen to this interview of James while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Comptine des Vêtements
    Practise your A1 French listening skills with a nursery rhyme about clothing.
  • Marie in France
    Enjoy a day in France while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Petits Portraits entre Amis
    Discover these portraits of six friends while practising your reading and listening comprehension.
  • Une semaine bien chargée
    Discover Sylvain and Tina's plans for the week, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive l'automne !
    Find out why fall is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive l'hiver !
    Find out why winter is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive le chocolat !
    Enjoy this little poem by Aurélie for chocolate lovers everywhere, while practising your A1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Vive le printemps !
    Find out why spring is the best season, while practising your French A1 reading and listening comprehension.

A2: Lower Intermediate French reading exercises

  • Carte postale
    Enjoy this postcard about Magalie's stay with her grandparents, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Chaud ou froid ?
    Too hot or too cold? Luc and Amélie discuss their preferences in this A2 bilingual reader.
  • Dame Tartine (Comptines de France)
    Sing along to this delicious French nursery rhyme while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • En arrivant à l'hôtel
    Check into a French hotel with Mrs Vallée, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest
    Discover Kwiziq team's French film mini reviews of their favorite movies.
  • La fin des vacances
    Enjoy this podcast interview about the end of holiday [US: vacation] while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • La fête d'Halloween
    Learn about Hallowe'en, while practising your A2 French reading and listening skills.
  • La semaine des Martin
    Article about a busy week of activities for the Martin family.
  • Lettre à France - Michel Polnareff
    Enjoy French singer Michel Polnareff's cult love "letter" to France, and sing along while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Lettre à un ami
    Catch up with Kévin's life in this letter, while practising your A2 French reading and listening skills.
  • Léo et Popi : la Galette des Rois
    Enjoy this lovely children's cartoon about la Galette des Rois, featuring classic French characters Léo et Popi, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Ma première rentrée des classes
    Élodie remembers her first day of school in this A2 bilingual article.
  • Mes chats
    Meet Cécile's lovely cats, while practising your French A2 reading and listening comprehension.
  • Petit Ours Brun fait des crêpes
    Make delicious crêpes with cute cartoon Petit Ours Brun, while practising your French A2 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Petit Pangolin Malin - Comptine d'Afrique
    Listen and sing along to this cute African nursery rhyme, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Pourquoi on fait des poissons d'avril ?
    Discover the story behind the French tradition of "April's fish" in this short video, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Rosh Hashana
    Learn some traditions related to Rosh Hashana, a two-day celebration for the Jewish New Year.
  • Thanksgiving chez mon correspondant
    Enjoy Eric's first Thanksgiving experience, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Un dîner d'automne au restaurant
    Order a nice autumnal meal at a French restaurant, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Un mauvais numéro
    Wrong number! Listen to this friendly exchange while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Un samedi à Paris
    Take a stroll around Paris while working on your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Une journée chargée
    Lucas has a busy day of shopping and socialising in this bilingual article.
  • What is Ramadan?
    Learn about the holy month of Ramadan, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • À la gare
    Buy some train tickets with Geoffrey and Agathe, while practising your A2 French reading and listening comprehension.

B1: Intermediate French reading exercises

  • Ainsi Font, Font, Font (Comptines de France)
    Dance and sing along with this famous French nursery rhyme's little puppets while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Après le coronavirus
    Discover Marianne's post-lockdown plans, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Au supermarché
    Enjoy grocery shopping in a French supermarket, while practising your B1 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Aux arbres citoyens - Yannick Noah
    Celebrate the planet and sing for its protection with Yannick Noah's eco-militant song, while practising your French B1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Beaujolais nouveau : ne l'appelez plus piquette !
    It's that time of year again, when wine lovers gather to taste the young wine known as Beaujolais Nouveau. But is it really as good - or bad? - as they say?
  • Bonne fête des Mères !
    Learn about Mother's Day in France while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Bonne fête des Pères !
    Learn about Father's Day in France, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Bretagne news - sketch by Les Inconnus
    Get an (exaggerated) idea about French as it's spoken in Bretagne in this humorous sketch by Les Inconnus (a famous French trio of humorists from the 90's).
  • Bricolage "Avion" pour la Fête des Pères
    Learn how to make a cute Father's Day present in this fun tutorial, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • C'est qui Coluche ?
    Learn about French icon Coluche in this cute animated video.
  • C'est quoi le 14 juillet ?
    Learn about France's National Holiday and its origins, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • C'est quoi les soldes ?
    Learn about the specific French sales, "les soldes", in this fun and instructive video, while practising your French listening and reading skills.
  • C'est quoi, la Carte Nationale d'Identité française ?
    Learn about the French National Identity Card and what it features, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Ce soir - Amir
    Dance and sing along to Amir's irresistible party call "Ce soir", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comme d'habitude - Claude François
    Discover the lyrics of "Comme d'habitude", the original French version of Sinatra's "My Way", while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Comment est née la langue française ?
    Where did the French language come from? Get the short answer in this cute animated video for children.
  • Comment fabriquer une piñata d'Halloween
    Learn how to make a special piñata for Halloween, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment rafraîchir les villes et les maisons tout en restant écologique
    Discover interesting ways to sustainably cool down buildings and cities in this video, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Comment rester en bonne santé
    Get tips to stay healthy while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Connaissez-vous bien le fromage français ?
    Test your knowledge about French cheeses with this fun questionnaire, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Connaissez-vous bien le vin ?
    Test your knowledge about wine making in France with this fun questionnaire, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Célébrations de Thanksgiving
    Our international Kwiziq team take a look at holidays from their respective countries that resemble the American Thanksgiving.
  • D'où vient la tradition du marché de Noël ?
    Learn a bit of the history behind France's traditional Christmas markets in this cute video.
  • D'où vient le nom des Schtroumpfs ?
    Learn how the name of les Schtroumpfs (Smurfs) came to be, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • DIY Pâques - Œuf avec message surprise à l'intérieur
    Follow this tutorial to make a fun decorated egg with a surprise message inside, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Dernière Danse - Indila
    Sing along to Indila's stirring ballad "Dernière Danse", while practising your French B1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Des températures record pour le mois de mai en France et en Espagne (2022)
    Listen to this news report about May 2022 heatwave in France and Spain, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Divali : la Fête des Lumières à Vancouver
    Learn about the joyful festival of Diwali, celebrated by Indians all over the world, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Encore plus de faits intéressants sur le français
    By popular demand, more interesting facts about French, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Euro 2016
    Learn about the Euro (European football/soccer championship) 2016, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Festival de Cannes
    One of the most famous and prestigious film festivals in the world is held annually in Cannes. Learn a bit of its history and traditions in this French video with transcript and translation.
  • Festival des cerfs-volants
    Berck-sur-Mer is home to an annual kite-flying festival - and it's going on right now! Learn about this colorful event with this video while working on your French listening comprehension.
  • France Gall, la groupie du pianiste
    France Gall passed away in January 2018. Learn about this French singer with a unique voice in our bilingual article.
  • French Elections
    Learn about French elections while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Fête des Lumières à Lyon
    Lyon's Festival of Light is a must-see event where the walls of buildings become movie screens. Here's a taste of what's in store in 2017, including the newest security measures.
  • Game of Thrones (no spoilers)
    For all you GoT fans out there (and anyone who'd just like to know what all the fuss is about), here's a video talking about all the records this fantasy TV show broke in its eight-year run.
  • Il est né le divin Enfant (Chant de Noël)
    Sing along to this very popular French Christmas carol, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Il y a un monstre sous mon lit !
    Enjoy this lovely monster story, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Inventions françaises
    Hundreds if not thousands of products you use every day started out as nothing more than an idea - and many of those ideas were originally French.
  • Jardin d'hiver, de Keren Ann
    Practise your French listening and reading comprehension with this wintery song.
  • Je suis malade - Serge Lama
    Feel the heartache with Serge Lama's harrowing song "Je suis malade", while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Joyeux Hanoucca !
    Learn more about the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest - C.R.A.Z.Y.
    Here's Aurelie's selection for the Kwiziq French Film Fest: French Canadian film "C.R.A.Z.Y."
  • Kwiziq French Film Fest - Le Gendarme de Saint-Tropez
    Here's Grzegab's review of this French comedy classic for the Kwiziq French Film Fest.
  • L'Amour, poème de Céline
    Enjoy this romantic poem by our very own Céline, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'Année Bissextile (Leap Year)
    Learn about Leap Day and Leap Year, while practising your B1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'Arnacœur - French Film Fest
    The first Kwiziq French Film Fest review comes from none other than our CEO, Gareth "Gruff" Davies.
  • L'anniversaire de Cyril
    Practise listening and reading with this story about a surprise party.
  • L'enseignement en ligne : Témoignage de Céline
    Learn about some of the pros and cons of online teaching in this interview with Céline.
  • L'oral de français en Première
    At the end of "Première," the penultimate year of French high school, French students have to take a literary oral exam. Many of the tips offered in this video can be applied to other oral exams.

B2: Upper Intermediate French reading exercises

  • 20 Mars : Journée de la Francophonie
    Celebrate Francophonie by learning about a few less known French-speaking countries, while practising your reading and listening comprehension in French.
  • 3 Villes Francophones où fêter le Nouvel An
    Learn about New Year's Eve celebrations in Paris, Quebec City and Marrakech, while practising your B2 French reading and listening comprehension.
  • 5 Artistes Noirs Francophones à (Re)découvrir
    (Re)discover 5 amazing Francophone Black artists, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • 6 juin 1944 : voyage à travers le temps
    Witness the commemoration of the Allied landing in Normandy, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • 8 mai 1945 : la capitulation de l'Allemagne à Reims
    Learn about Germany surrendered to Allied forces on the 8th of May 1945, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Allô les urgences vétérinaires ?
    Cat stuck in a tree? Call the emergency vet service.
  • Alpine French School
    Learn about the Alpine French School where you can ski and learn French at the same time, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Assomption
    August 15 is the Catholic holiday of Assomption (Assumption Day) and is férié (a public holiday) in France.
  • Au Clair de la Lune (Comptines de France)
    Sing yourselves to sleep with this classic French lullaby while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Au Restaurant de la Plage
    Enjoy lunch at a beachside restaurant, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Au secours ! Je n'ai plus internet !
    Need help dealing with customer support when your internet goes out? Check out this audio article for some useful phrases.
  • Basique - OrelSan
    Practise your French rapping skills with OrelSan's "Basique".
  • Bastille Day
    Happy Bastille Day! Learn about the French national holiday in our bilingual audio article.
  • Bruxelles je t'aime - Angèle
    Celebrate the Belgian capital with Angèle's upbeat love song to Brussels, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Bûche de Noël : recette
    Find out how to make the most classic of French Christmas desserts: la bûche de Noël.
  • C'est quoi la "Fête des mères" ?
    Find answers to your questions about French Mother's Day in this fun video, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Charles Aznavour s'éteint à 94 ans
    Famed French-Armenian singer passed away in October 2018. Watch this video highlighting aspects of his talented career, then scroll down for the transcript in our bilingual reader.
  • Charles Perrault (Portraits français)
    Learn about timeless French raconteur Charles Perrault, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Claude Monet's "Water Lilies"
    Learn about the story behind the unique way Claude Monet's Water Lilies are displayed, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Colette (Portraits français)
    Learn about passionate French writer Colette, while practising your French reading and listening skills.
  • Comme Avant (ConfinementSong)
    Sing along to GiedRé's bittersweet song about life before lockdown, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment demander la nationalité française (1ere partie)
    Learn how to apply for French citizenship with the first half of this informative article, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment demander la nationalité française (2e partie)
    Learn how to apply for French citizenship with the first half of this informative article, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Comment préparer son bagage en cabine
    Get some useful packing tips with Catherine Schwaab, while practising your French B2 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Conseils pratiques pour profiter des marchés de Noël
    Get some practical advice to help you make the most of Christmas markets, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Coupe du Monde 1998
    Twenty years ago, France beat Brazil to become world champions of European football (aka soccer). In this video, trainer Aimé Jacquet shares his first thoughts.
  • Dans les coulisses du Moulin Rouge
    The Moulin Rouge is a world-famous revue in Paris. Take a look behind the scenes and sequins with this video report.
  • Demande d'emploi
    This audio article about a job letter was specially written to help you prepare for the listening and reading portions of the AP French exam.
  • Des initiatives pour parents et enfants pendant le confinement
    Discover some initiatives in Belgium to teach and entertain children during lockdown, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Des vacances mémorables
    Laurence and Arnaud go on a dream vacation to celebrate 5 years together in this audio article.
  • Devant un match de foot
    Join two friends to watch a football [US:soccer] game on TV, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Dialectes et langues régionales
    Learn about France's regional dialects in this 5-part series of bilingual articles about the development of French over the centuries.
  • Dix pour cent : la bonne recette (1ere partie)
    Discover "Dix pour cent", a humorous French TV series about the trials and tribulations of movie star agents.
  • Dix pour cent : la bonne recette (2e partie)
    Part 2 of the video about "Dix pour cent", a humorous French TV series about the trials and tribulations of movie star agents.
  • Découvrez les candidats français à l'Eurovision 2022 !
    Discover France's 2022 Eurovision contestants and their song, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Décès de l'ancien président Jacques Chirac, l'animal politique
    Former French president and mayor of Paris Jacques Chirac passed away on 26 September 2019. Learn about the legacy of this political animal in this video from France24.
  • Départ en Vacances 1 - Sur la route des vacances
    Dreading going on holiday [US: vacation] with small children? Fortunately, Céline is here with some fun tips to prepare for your car trip!
  • Départ en Vacances 2 - Sur place
    Dreading going on holiday [US: vacation] with small children? Fortunately, Céline is here with some fun tips to pick your holiday [US:vacation] rental!
  • Engrenages (Séries françaises) - Interview "flashback" de Thierry Godart et Caroline Proust
    Enjoy a lively interview with actors Thierry Godart and Caroline Proust from the successful TV show "Engrenages" (Spiral), while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Et tout le monde s'en fout : L'eau
    Funny video (with some vulgar language) about a serious subject: water.
  • Films français (2) - La sélection de Cécile
    Here's another selection of 3 great French movies to (re)discover and enjoy!
  • Films français - La sélection de Céline
    Here's a selection of 3 great French movies to (re)discover and enjoy!
  • Fête de la Musique
    La Fête de la Musique is an annual celebration in France and around the world. Learn a bit of its history in our bilingual audio article, then listen to a few French variety classics.
  • Fête de la musique : interview de Jack Lang
    Discover how 1981 Ministre de la Culture Jack Lang explain came up with "la Fête de la Musique", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Hallowe'en in France
    At a nursery school in Biarritz, kids get ready for Halloween with stuffed pumpkins and favorite costumes.
  • Histoire d'animaux
    Learn or practise some French expressions with animals in this cute bilingual story.
  • Histoire de l'indépendance d'Haïti
    Haiti was the first French colony to gain independence, in large part thanks to one man.
  • Histoires d'argent
    A bilingual text about different relationships to money, rich in French idioms.
  • Héritage de Johnny Hallyday
    Despite being French, Johnny Hallyday wrote his will in the United States, which allowed him to disinherit his children. Find out how they're challenging the will and whether they have a case in this video.
  • Immigrer au Canada
    If you dream of immigrating [UK: emigrating] to Canada, this official video has the vital information you need.

C1: Advanced French reading exercises

  • 4 astuces anti-fatigue pour faire le plein d'énergie !
    Discover French doctor Michel Cymes's useful tips to fight tiredness, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills.
  • Alsatian accent
    Get an (exaggerated) idea about French as it's spoken in Alsace in this humorous sketch by Les Inconnus (a famous French trio of humorists from the 90's).
  • Ces fautes qui deviennent des règles - La Chronique Langue de Laélia Veron
    Learn about the fascinating evolution of the French language, when today's mistakes become tomorrow's rules.
  • Chez Victor Hugo à Guernesey
    Discover Victor Hugo's amazing mansion Hauteville House on the island of Guernsey, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Coco Chanel (Portraits français)
    Learn about the iconic French haute couture designer Coco Chanel, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Dans les coulisses de "Plus Belle La Vie" (Séries Françaises)
    Sneak behind the scenes of France's most popular soap opera "Plus Belle la Vie", while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Georges Brassens et la ville de Sète
    Discover the lovely Southern city of Sète through its most iconic singer Georges Brassens, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Hajj
    Learn about the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Henri Matisse au Centre Pompidou
    Enjoy a fascinating retrospective on French painter Henri Matisse at the Pompidou Center in Paris, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Histoire des Jeux Olympiques Modernes
    Discover how the modern Olympic Games came to be, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Histoire et origine du français canadien
    The French spoken in Québec is different than what you might be used to - but why? Check out this animated video for an explanation of the Québécois accent ...
  • Hymne à l'Amour - Édith Piaf
    Let yourself be moved to tears by Édith Piaf's heartwrenching "Hymne à l'Amour", while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • J'attends - Ben Mazué & Pomme
    Discover all the sincerity of French singer Ben Mazué in his beautifully written duet with Pomme, "J'attends", while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • J'irai où tu iras - Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman
    Rock 'n' roll with Céline Dion & Jean-Jacques Goldman's irresistible fast-paced duet "J'irai où tu iras", while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • Jeanne d'Arc (Portraits français)
    Learn about Joan of Arc - Jeanne d'Arc - while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Kwiziq dans le "Crystal Maze"
    In May 2018, the Kwiziq Team met in London for a week of work - and just a bit of fun, including a visit to The Crystal Maze Experience.
  • L'Ascension
    Learn about the mobile jour férié and Christian holiday of Ascension, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • L'histoire de la Fête Nationale
    Learn about the history of France's national holiday, le 14 juillet, in this informative video.
  • L'histoire de la Saint-Sylvestre
    Discover why December 31st is also known as "la Saint-Sylvestre" in France, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • La Fête du Travail du premier mai en France
    Learn how May 1st became a public holiday called Labour Day, while practising your French C1 listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Sorcière - Le Diable aux Corsets
    Celebrate Hallowe'en with the band Le Diable aux Corsets's bewitching folk song "La Sorcière", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • La Toussaint
    Learn about the importance of la Toussaint, or All Saints' Day in France, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Café - Oldelaf et Monsieur D
    Sing along to Oldelaf's hilarious "ode" to coffee drinkers, while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Le Carnaval de Dunkerque comme si vous y étiez
    Discover Dunkirk's colourful Carnival, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Le confinement, quelle vie de chien !
    Find out what confinement is like from a new perspective in our bilingual audio article.
  • Le ski - Têtes à Claques
    Challenge yourself with this hilarious Québécois claymation video, while practising your French C1 listening and reading skills.
  • Les Accras de Morue des Antilles (Spécialités de France)
    Learn about one of the most popular culinary specialities in the West Indies: Guadeloupe's famous accras de morue (cod fritters).
  • Les Copains D'abord - Georges Brassens
    Sing along to Georges Brassens's best celebration of friendship, "Les Copains D'abord", while practising your C1 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Les cours d'anglais - Gad Elmaleh
    Enjoy Gad Elmaleh's stand-up comedy about learning English in this video.
  • Les origines du Tournoi des Six Nations
    Learn about the origins of this European rugby competition, while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Lynda Lemay - Les Maudits Français
    To celebrate Quebec's National Day, la Saint-Jean-Baptiste (June 24th) and la Fête de la Musique (June 21st), here is a song by Québécois singer-songwriter Lynda Lemay.
  • Ma routine pendant le Ramadan
    Learn about Ramadan celebrations with Hajar, while practising your C1 French listening and reading skills.
  • Mon Noël d'antan
    Remember what Christmas was like when you were a child in this bilingual audio article.
  • Omar Sy - Interview Cinéma
    French actor Omar Sy is known for a number of international hits, including Les Intouchables, X-Men: Days of Future Past and Jurassic World. In this interview, he talks (quickly!) about some of his favorite movies.
  • Ouragan Irma
    Read Guadeloupe resident Laura's account of crossing the path of Hurricane Irma in early September 2017.
  • Pourquoi est-on ivre plus vite lorsqu'on n'a pas mangé ?
    Learn the fascinating answer to this question in this fun short program, while practising your French listening comprehension.
  • Pourquoi la rentrée scolaire est-elle en septembre ?
    Learn about the origin and evolution of France's back-to-school date, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Premier Mai, poème de Victor Hugo
    Listen to Victor Hugo's lovely poem about spring "Premier Mai", while practising your French reading and listening comprehension.
  • Quand Mai 68 changea la France
    May 1968 was a turning point in French history. On this 50th anniversary, learn how students and workers revolutionalized France.
  • S'occuper sans écran - La drôle d'humeur de Marina Rollman
    Enjoy this funny radio sketch by Swiss comedian Marina Rollman about life without computer screens, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Strasbourg, le plus grand marché de Noël d'Europe !
    Discover the enchanting Strasbourg Christmas Market, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Thanksgiving contre les Indiens d'Amérique
    Learn about some of the controversy surrounding the US celebration of Thanksgiving, while practising your B2 French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Un escape game pour personnes âgées
    Discover the cool initiative of this French retirement home, while practising your French listening and reading comprehension.
  • Une Saint-Valentin entre filles
    No Valentine? No problem!
  • V pour Vendetta
    In honour of Guy Fawkes Night (November 5th), let's take a look at V for Vendetta, a 2006 political thriller film set in a dystopian United Kingdom under the rule of a neo-fascist regime, where V, the mysterious anarchist freedom fighter tries to start a revolution through elaborate terrorist acts. Highly recommended!
  • Valéry Giscard d'Estaing - Une rétrospective en images
    Former French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing died of Covid-19 on 2 December, 2020, at the age of 94. Take a look back at his life and career in this video from Le Monde.
  • Vendée Globe 2016 / 2017
    Vendée Globe is a grueling, non-stop solo round the world race without assistance.
  • Very Low Cost Airlines
    Think the last flight you took was bad? It probably doesn't compare to this one!
  • Victor Hugo (Portraits français)
    Learn more about famous author Victor Hugo, while practising your listening and reading comprehension.
  • Visite de Fort Royer sur l'île d'Oléron
    Discover the fascinating site of Fort Royer on Île d'Oléron while practising your French listening comprehension.