Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the future perfect in French (Le Futur Antérieur)

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Learn how to conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs with avoir in Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) in French

Look at these examples:

J'aurai aimé la vie.I will have loved life.
Tu auras gagné après tout.You will have won after all.
Il aura fini son projet à temps.He will have finished his project on time.
Nous aurons rempli ces documents avant la fermeture.We'll have filled in these documents before closing time.
Vous aurez entendu tellement de versions différentes !You will have heard so many different versions!
Ils auront perdu finalement.They will have lost in the end.

Le Futur Antérieur (Indicatif) is formed on the same model as Le Passé Composé (Indicatif), except avoir is here conjugated in Le Futur Simple (Indicatif). 

For -ER verbs, you form the past participle by replacing the -er ending with -é.
For -IR verbs, you form the past participle by replacing the -ir ending with -i.
For -DRE verbs, you form the past participle by replacing the -dre ending with -du.
The exceptions of verbs with être instead of avoir are the same as in Le Passé Composé (Indicatif)
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Mathieu est en retard. Il aura manqué son train.Mathieu is late. He must have missed his train.
Ils ne sont pas encore là. Ils auront encore traîné comme d'habitude.They're not there yet. They must have dawdled again as usual.
Nous aurons rempli ces documents avant la fermeture.We'll have filled in these documents before closing time.
Elle est malade. Elle aura oublié de mettre son écharpe.She's ill. She must have forgotten to wear her scarf.


J'aurai aimé la vie.I will have loved life.


Nous aurons atteint notre but.We will have achieved our goal.


Auras-tu attendu pour rien ?Will you have waited for nothing?
Il aura attendu pendant des heures.He will have waited for hours.


Tu n'auras jamais choisi entre nous.You will have never chosen between us.


Vous aurez bientôt complété votre collection.You will soon have completed your collection.


Vous aurez entendu tellement de versions différentes !You will have heard so many different versions!


Il aura fini son projet à temps.He will have finished his project on time.


Tu auras gagné après tout.You will have won after all.


Vous aurez bien grossi pendant vos vacances !You will have gained quite a bit of weight during your holidays!


Ils auront perdu finalement.They will have lost in the end.


Nous aurons beaucoup progressé cet été-là.We will have made a lot of progress that summer.


Elles auront ralenti trop tard.They will have slowed down too late.


Elle aura regretté ça toute sa vie.She will have regretted that all her life.


J'aurai répondu trop tard.I will have answered too late.


J'aurai vieilli après tout.I will have grown old after all.


Ils auront volé jusqu'au bout.They will have flown until the end.
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