Conjugate regular -er, -ir, -dre verbs (+ avoir) in the conditional past in French (Le Conditionnel Passé)

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Learn how to conjugate regular -er, -ir, and -dre verbs in Le Conditionnel Passé in French:

Il aurait appelé la victime vers 8 heures.He would have called the victim around 8 o'clock.

Tu aurais fini tes devoirs si tu n'avais pas joué à la console.You would have finished your homework if you hadn't played the console.

Nous aurions vraiment aimé vous voir !We would have really liked to see you!

Nous aurions perdu le match sans Zidane.We would have lost the game without Zidane.

Marc aurait vendu sa voiture s'il avait su.Marc would have sold his car if he had known.

Apparemment, ils auraient corrompu les juges.Apparently, they would have corrupted the judges.

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Nous aurions vraiment aimé vous voir !We would have really liked to see you!


Il aurait appelé la victime vers 8 heures.He would have called the victim around 8 o'clock.


Selon le journaliste, l'avion aurait atterri sans problème.According to the reporter, the plane would have landed without a problem.


Ils auraient choisi un autre itinéraire.They would have chosen another route.


Apparemment, ils auraient corrompu les juges.Apparently, they would have corrupted the judges.


Tu aurais fini tes devoirs si tu n'avais pas joué à la console.You would have finished your homework if you hadn't played the console.


Nous aurions perdu le match sans Zidane.We would have lost the game without Zidane.


J'aurais rêvé d'être pilote !I would have dreamt to be a pilot!


Marc aurait vendu sa voiture s'il avait su.Marc would have sold his car if he had known.
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