Conjugate regular verbs in the imperative mood in French (L'Impératif)

L'Impératif - the Imperative mood - is used to express commands, instructions and advice.

e.g. "Give me this!", "Listen carefully!"

Learn how to conjugate regular verbs in L'Impératif Présent in French

Finis tes devoirs !Finish your homework!

Finissons nos devoirs !Let's finish our homework!

Finissez vos devoirs !Finish your homework!

Viens au rendez-vous !Come to the rendez-vous!

Choisis un endroit exceptionnel !Choose an outstanding location!

Prenez vos manteaux, il fait froid dehors !Take your coats, it's cold outside!

Réfléchissons une minute !Let's just think for a minute !

In French, L'Impératif has three main characteristics:

  1. There are only 3 persons in L'Impératif: tu, nous, vous since you only issue commands to 'you' or 'us/we'.
  2. Like in English, the subject pronoun is dropped in L'Impératif.
  3. The verb is at the same form as in Le Présent for tu, nous and vous:
Tu finis ta soupe. Finis ta soupe !You're finishing your soup. Finish your soup.

ATTENTION: Case of -ER verbs

Tu manges ton dessert. Mange ton dessert !You're eating your dessert. Eat your dessert!

Note that for all verbs ending in -ER (including aller), the -s is dropped at the end of the tu form.
The other forms (nous and vous) are regular.

Here are more -ER examples:

Donne-lui quelque chose !Give him something!

Donnons une sucette à Paula !Let's give Paula a lollipop!

Donnez-moi un baiser !Give me a kiss!

Va au lit !Go to bed!

Surveille ton frère !Keep an eye on your brother!

Allons au parc !Let's go to the park!

And the more advanced: 
Using French adverbial pronoun "y" in affirmative commands in the imperative mood (L'Impératif) in French
Using French adverbial pronoun "en" in affirmative commands in the imperative mood (L'Impératif) in French

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Examples and resources

Donne-lui quelque chose !Give him something!
Surveille ton frère !Keep an eye on your brother!
Donnons une sucette à Paula !Let's give Paula a lollipop!
Allons au parc !Let's go to the park!
Tu finis ta soupe. Finis ta soupe !You're finishing your soup. Finish your soup.
Pensez à prendre du pain !Think of getting some bread!
Fais de beaux rêves ma chérie, à demain !Sweet dreams darling, see you tomorrow!
Choisis un endroit exceptionnel !Choose an outstanding location!
Mets des sous-vêtements propres !
Juste au cas où... Bonjour les traces de pneu !
Put on clean underwear!
Just in case... Hellooo skid marks!
Viens au rendez-vous !Come to the rendez-vous!
Finis tes devoirs !Finish your homework!
Finissons nos devoirs !Let's finish our homework!
Finissez vos devoirs !Finish your homework!
Prenez vos manteaux, il fait froid dehors !Take your coats, it's cold outside!
Réfléchissons une minute !Let's just think for a minute !
Donnez-moi un baiser !Give me a kiss!
Va au lit !Go to bed!
Tu manges ton dessert. Mange ton dessert !You're eating your dessert. Eat your dessert!
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